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The prices for commodities are constantly rising. Growing economies demand huge amounts of energy and drive up prices. Even today, an end to fossil energy is expected in the near future.

Renewable energies are the most cost effective energy sources worldwide, if external cost is taken into consideration, which is nowadays not covered by the energy producer, but by the community.

The society is ever more aware of global warming. Companies that prioritize in shifting their energy strategy to renewable sources at an early point enjoy a prestigious image today and can use this for a  sustainable CSR.

But more important than monetary aspects should be the future of our children. No matter how much wealth they inherit, a future dominated by conflict for energy and water and an environment thrown out of balance by global warming can’t be compensated by money.

Our consultants are specialised in: desalination, solar thermal solutions for commercial and industrial use, electric mobility, solar power plants, on- and offshore wind parks and energy efficiency contracting.

For decisions of responsible and profitable energy supply, we gladly consult you in person!